Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Blog Introduction

As an introduction to this blog, I guess I should inform my readers about me, in case you already don't know me. I'm a married 30 year old, so-far child-less woman, living on an island by the sea. I'm a commercial photographer by trade and a domestic diva by hobby.

My friends all enjoy coming to parties at my house because they know they will get a ton of homemade matter what I may say in an invite. I believe in basically not using pre-fab and processed foods. I'm Greek, which means that there will always be a LOT of whatever I make. When we bought our house, I knew a full-size deep freeze was going into our basement. I'm all about freezing anything I can, to use on a night or event when I have no time to put in the effort. I enjoy experimenting with sometimes complicated recipes so my mindset is "why make one when I can make six?". About two years ago, my friend, Becky went into great detail with me on how to best freeze cookies and well, that basically turned a whole new dimension on my baking. Then, my friend, Amy turned me onto Bakerella and the world of cakepops was opened to me. I also took some cake decorating classes. Since then I have developed a passion for candy making and my freezer has never been the same. Being the crazy obsessive/compulsive person I am, my freezer now has a complete inventory log on it! (Yes, I know I'm insane.)

So, you probably want to know what you will find here. Great recipes, for one. New ideas and twists on old favorites will be included as well. I discovered the great wide world of Pinterest and now I'm so hooked on cooking that I decided I wanted to create this blog in the first place. That link is to MY Pinterest boards, so you might get an idea of recipes to come by looking at it. I don't really know how far I'm going to go with giving out my "secrets" yet, so to my friends maybe salivating about getting my lamb recipe, don't get your hopes up just yet. I am a professional photographer, so the photo aspect of this will be a learning process. I do a lot of cooking at other people's houses too so I'm not going to be lugging my Nikon and all my equipment with me wherever I go. For now, I don't want this to be "work". Documentary styling, was also never really my thing. So, the photos will show you important prep details. They will be in focus, color correct, correctly exposed, somewhat visually pleasing, (oh and copyrighted) but don't expect art from probably my IPhone. Anyone wanting to see that can visit my website. Again, this may improve as the blog grows. Also, please don't judge my blogging or web design abilities at this time because I know nothing about Blogger at this current moment. Lastly, thank you to my friend, Jen, with a great blog, that gave me advice on all of this. I promise this is the last "rant" you will see here.

I hope you will be back to steal some great recipes from me! Subscribe, pin away, and tell your friends. Thanks for reading!

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