Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Potato Skin Stuffed Mushrooms

 Okay, stop the presses! I had to share this one right away before someone steals my idea. Did you ever see an awesome recipe and say, "now why didn't I think of that?" I think I just invented this out of nothing! Google images and Pinterest searches return nothing for it, so I'm calling it mine!!!

There are no potato skins in this at all. It's just the great taste of potato skins shoved into a healthier form! And the mix of cheeses...prompts memories of fondue yuminess. 

half a dozen mushrooms, peeled and cored
bacon bits
2 Tbsp crumbled bleu cheese
2-3 Tbsp breadcrumbs
1/4 cup shredded cheese, Mexican blend
1/8 cup shredded cheese, pizza blend
1 scallion, minced

In a microwaveable mixing bowl, mix the cheeses together and microwave for 30 seconds. Take out and stir your gooey mixture. Add just enough breadcrumbs to stop it from being very sticky and clinging to the sides of the bowl. Scoop into each mushroom. Top with bacon bits and scallions...done! Bake in a 350 degree oven for 10-15 minutes. Serve with a dollop of sour cream. 
Hindsight: When I make these again, I'm going to try some variations on them. Maybe sauteing them first in some olive oil or even flouring them before that so they get a "potato skin" crispness to them!


  1. This recipe sounds yummy I will have to give this one a try good job keep them coming

  2. Thanks. I am super psyched about coming up with this! It's one of those things people should go crazy posting on Pinterest.
