Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Bleu Cheese & Parmesan Crusted Steak

I don't know what genius thought of putting cheeses on top of a steak, but I'm addicted to the idea. Restaurants like Longhorn and Texas Roadhouse that offer this addition make me very happy. Serve it up with some caramelized onions and I'm one excited girl. But, this is no secret and why not dress up your steaks at home?

Large thick steak (like this T-Bone)
1/3 cup blue cheese crumbles
1 Tbsp Parmesan cheese
1/2 Tsp breadcrumbs
1/2 Tsp bleu cheese dressing

Mix it all up in a small bowl, spread it onto your steak, and pat down. Cook as your normally would (just wouldn't recommend on a grill). I like my beef RARE! twitching on the plate the meat in the supermarket looks appetizing to me rare! Okay, I'll stop now for the sake of those of you who order it charbroiled! So, I put my oven on the lowest setting possible and roast it like prime rib for a few hours. The slower you cook beef, the better, and the juicier it stays. 

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