Monday, June 17, 2013

Roasted Chick Peas

I am absolutely in love with hummus! I had such a hummus addiction at one point that my husband said I needed to go to meetings and seek a 12 step program! Although I have yet to make my own, I did come across tons of pins for roasted chick peas on Pinterest and decided I had to try this!
They certainly aren't your average, normal snack but I liked the taste and texture of these. Not to forget that they are filling and much healthier than most snack finger foods. They are a great thing to make for toddlers who are just getting used to small foods and so much better than store bought snacks.
There really isn't a limit to what you can put on these chick peas! You can try a barbecue rub; go sweet with brown sugars, cinnamon, and honey; try an Asian style with soy and sesame seeds; add some spice with cayenne pepper; anything you can think of to try! My favorite that I've tried is below.
1 can of garbanzo beans, drained
 1 Tbsp onion powder
1 Tbsp garlic powder
 1/2 Tsp fresh rosemary
The blog that I adapted this from, Foy Update, had a whole cooking time scale for these. I didn't want a complex recipe for something that I thought you should be able to just mix up and forget. So, I drained mine and didn't additionally rinse them, mixed them up with the seasonings, and baked at 400 for a little over an hour and stirred them about 4 times during the roasting. I did find that I liked them more well done and dried out but, a few were still a bit soft in the center and that was fine with me too!

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