Saturday, May 18, 2013

Addictive Baked Potato Chips

I love homemade chips. I absolutely love them at our local restaurant, The Windward. If I can make them baked and not fried at home, I would be very excited.

I made these as a dinner side. They are really dangerous! If you leave them out on your counter, there may not be any left for your dinner, if you have to keep walking by them. 
baking russet potatoes
mixed up salt
mixed up pepper
garlic powder
your favorite olive oil
(I used a rosemary oregano one)
Recipe Adapted from Oprah
Scrub your potatoes with a brush under running water. Slice them the long way by hand or using a mandolin. I cut mine in about 1/4 inch strips. 
Pour some olive oil on a baking sheet and rub around with a paper towel to spread evenly. Cover the baking sheet with potatoes and then season to your liking. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 15 minutes. Then, pull them out of the oven, flip them, and bake for an additional 10 minutes.
Personally, I loved the inconsistencies in how these came out. I couldn't decide if I liked the smaller harder ones better or the ones that were still a bit soft. If you make your decision on that and want them to come out more uniform the next time you make them, just keep the smaller ones in the middle of the sheet and the larger ones towards the outside when baking them. 
These certainly didn't need anything to go with them but I did make a dipping sauce out of:
1 cup plain Greek yogurt
1/2 packet Ranch
1/4 packet of green onion mix or
1 Tbsp onion dip seasoning

Try to make enough to stare with your friends! Go ahead and leave them in a spot you have to walk by during the day. I dare you.

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