Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Classic Wedge Salad

I'm sure you don't really need a blog to tell you how to make a salad but, I want to try to post some wonderful salads to entice the health conscious in everyone. I love salads in restaurants! What is it about a salad that someone else makes that makes it taste so much better? I wish I could answer that question but, this is a great restaurant inspired salad that is easy to make at home.
1 head of iceberg lettuce, cored and halved
3 cherry or plum tomatoes
1/2 cucumber, sliced and cut
1/4 cup minced red onion
2 tsp bacon bits
1 stalk celery, minced
2 Tbsp bleu cheese crumbles
Simply prepare the lettuce, cut it in half and removing the core, and cover with the remaining ingredients. This salad is great with your favorite bleu cheese dressing and has a great presentation.
I always stick with Ken's Steakhouse dressings. Most restaurants use it and I've never gotten a bad flavor from them. I have bought many dressings (bleu cheese in particular) that had bad aftertastes. Sticking with this brand has never let me down.

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