Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Twice Baked Butternut Squash

Holiday squash will never be served simply boiled and mashed ever again! Everyone will be blown away with all the savory fall tastes in this dish. I may have gone a little crazy with this one, throwing in everything but the kitchen sink, but it got rave reviews. And who doesn't love a food served in its own bowl?
whole butternut squash
1 Tbsp chives
2 oz cream cheese
2 Tsp cinnamon
1 Tsp nutmeg
1 Tsp butter
Cut the squash lengthwise and scoop out the seeds. Place it in a baking dish, cut side down in 1/2 inch of water and roast in a 450 degree oven for 35-45 minutes. When it's done, flip it over and allow to cool enough to handle. Then, scrape out the innards, being careful to preserve the skin. Mix the innards in a mixing bowl with remaining ingredients. Spoon back into the skin. I topped mine with a sprinkle of breadcrumbs and brown sugar and it was amazing!

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