Thursday, April 18, 2013

Zucchini Pizzas

 If you didn't get enough vegetable pizza goodness from my recent post of Cauliflower Crust Pizzas, here is another great pizza recipe with a vegetable base. I'm not as crazy about them as the cauliflower ones but they are still a good healthy option. They may not be as acceptable to kids and husbands, but give them a try. They are so easy that this recipe barely has an ingredient list.
Cut zucchini in 1/4-1/8 inch slices. Spray or brush a baking sheet with olive oil. Then lay out the zucchini. Spray or brush the top of them with olive oil again. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 5 minutes. Then take them out and assemble your pizzas. I added tomato sauce, pizza shredded cheese blend, and then topped off each one with a slice of turkey pepperoni. You can add any toppings you desire. Raise the oven temperature to 500 degrees and bake an additional 5-7 minutes until cheese bubbles. Let sit for 5 minutes after they come out of the oven, as this will help stop the topping from sliding off the zucchini when you try to eat them.

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