Thursday, June 20, 2013

Butternut Squash Mac & Cheese

I know I just mentioned how much I love the line of Barilla Veggie pastas. I thought it would be a great compliment to this dish. The cheese sauce is made out of butternut squash! You will fool your kids and picky husband with this secret vegetable dish! They will be so busy trying to figure out what that sweet taste is (apples) that they won't ever notice the squash!
1 box of your favorite pasta
1 small butternut squash
1 small can evaporated milk
1/4 cup chicken broth
1 oz light cream cheese
1/2 cup shredded cheese
2 shallots, minced
2 strips of bacon, crumbled
1 apple, chopped
2 scallions, minced
1 Tbsp butter
Recipe Adapted from Yummyship
Cook pasta according to directions. Peel the squash, remove seeds, and slice into small pieces. Boil in salted water until tender, about 15-20 minutes and then purée in a food processor. 
Cook bacon and place on paper towels to soak up grease. Using the same pan, saute the shallots for a few minutes, until they begin to caramelize. Then add the scallions and saute for an additional 5 minutes.
I cut way down on the apples for this dish until I was sure it went with it. I'm not big on mixing things that don't traditionally get mixed in dishes. But, this one gets an A.

Now, add your apples and cook for an additional 5 minutes. Crumble bacon in the paper towels and add back into the pan. Add butter and let it melt, then add evaporated milk and chicken broth and mix thoroughly. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, add squash and cheeses and mix until the cream cheese is melted and blended.
Pour over your pasta.

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