Saturday, June 22, 2013

Tomato Quinoa Salad

Although this side dish didn't exactly come out as I hoped, it was still good and unique. The blog I used as a guideline obviously either used much bigger tomatoes than mine, or didn't roast them nearly as long as instructed for the photo. But, I found this great gourmet blend of tomatoes and wanted to do something with them. They were pretty for my first photo at least. 
2 lbs assorted tomatoes
1/2 cup red quinoa
1/2 cup plain quinoa
kosher salt, to taste
1/2 Tsp brown sugar
1 Tsp balsamic vinegar
2 Tbsp fresh basil, minced
1 Tbsp fresh oregano, minced
1 Tsp tarragon
2 garlic gloves, grated
2 Tbsp goat cheese
Recipe Adapted from Relish
Cook the quinoa according to package directions. For extra flavor, cook it in a broth instead of water. Set aside to cool.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Wipe a baking sheet with some olive oil. Add vinegar to the sheet and brush with a basting brush to spread. Cut tomatoes in half and lie them flat on the sheet. Sprinkle them with the salt and sugar. Add the spices and garlic to the sheet.
As I stated earlier, this is not what I was expecting. Don't get me wrong, it still tasted great...just not so pretty. When I make it again to bring it someplace, I will roast the tomatoes a lot less. I roasted them for 10 minutes (yellow), 12 minutes (maroon), and 15 minutes (red). Maybe next time I will turn my oven down to 200 and approach it very slowly. Again, use the size of your tomatoes as a gauge for the cooking time.
Mix the cooled down quinoa with the goat cheese. Crumbles would be best but I had a spreadable one, so I just added it in tiny bits very slowly, and stirred it carefully so it didn't stick together. Once this is done, add your tomatoes. You can serve this warm or cold, but not hot. Great for a different salad dish to bring to a cookout.

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