Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Mashed Cauliflower

I was so happy when restaurants started serving this as an alternative to mashed potatoes. Sadly, as the Atkins craze started to fizzle, most restaurants pulled the side from their menus. I still like to make it though, and have gotten a few people hooked on it. 

The key to this dish is to give it enough spice that it isn't bland. I've tried all kinds of different cheeses in this dish and never had it turn out bad. Feel free to try anything from American cheese slices to diet powdered "Cheese Buds". 

1 medium head cauliflower
1Tbsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp onion powder
1/2 cup shredded cheese
2 Tbsp spreadable butter

Cut cauliflower into bite sized pieces and boil in a pot of salted water until tender (20-25 minutes). I find that the longer it boils, the better. Drain the cauliflower well in a colander. Transfer to a stand mixer or bowl to mix it with a hand mixer. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. 

You can freeze this side dish in freezer bags and defrost on the counter in about an hour or overnight in the fridge. The photo above is defrosted from my freezer, which is why it appears a bit runny. Heat it back up in the oven and give it a good stir, and it will be good as new. 


  1. Jen a good way to cook the cauliflower is to roast it in the oven the whole head with salt, pepper and a little olive oil it comes out so good give it a try I think you will like it

  2. I have a few recipes like that, one I have to post for cauliflower. Do you roast the head whole?

    1. Yes you cook the whole head salt, pepper and olive oil all over the head and roast until it is soft and lighly toasted on the top yum

    2. Huh...that's different from mine. I'll have to give it a try. I'm sure it's less messy for sure!
